Monday, October 08, 2007

So, I know it's been forever, again, but I've decided to update you all on the gym/home workout situation. Since my gym membership ran out at Heart & Soul, and the students are back in town, so it's near impossible to work out at the Dome at a reasonable time, I've taken to working out at home. Unfortunately, since I'm not too fond of working out to videos, or in the living room in general, (it's our smallest room! well, except for the bathroom...) I haven't been very good about working out in the apartment.

Tonight, on the way home from Pierre, Chris and I stopped in Sioux Falls to do some shopping, and picked up a yoga mat and book for me. I can't recall if I mentioned going to yoga classes last summer, but I did, and I loved it. Now, I can do yoga at home! I already worked out tonight, and really enjoyed it. It'll take a bit to get used to the moves again, and to get used to referring to a book instead of listening to someone talk, but I really do enjoy it. Eventually, I want to get to the point where I can listen to my opera music, or even a book on tape, but right now it's taking too much concentration for that. Either way though, it's a good workout while still being pretty relaxing, so it's a win-win.

I've had to arrange shopping lists for each week, and consequently have been either packing lunches or eating at home, and planning dinners for every night, so we've not eaten fast food hardly at all. (Except when can't be helped on a time crunch...) I've also incorporated more veggies and fruits into the diet, so that's helped a bit as well. I'm still plateaued, but I"m hoping the yoga will help kick me past that.

1 comment:

A said...

Ooh, yoga! Jealousy! I should so start doing yoga again. You're my inspiration :)

Also jealous that you can stick to a shopping list. I need mad grownup skillz like that.