Thursday, October 19, 2006

New overhaul for the blog, and for me.

Well, as you can see, this is my new updated layout. I got tired of the old one...never really liked it, and I like this one better...this wasn't my first choice, but my first choice didn't format well. So here's my second-ish choice. Anyway...

I've fallen behind on my diet. And my exercise. I've gained back my weight, unfortunately, and I'm running short on time before the's 226 days away, to be exact. (I have a countdown widget.) So I've decided to get a fresh start. I need to throw out all my candy, but I"m not so good at going cold turkey, so I've limited myself to one packet/serving a day. Besides that, I'm going to do at least one set of crunches per day (One set for me is 30 crunches in a row,) and the goal of more than three per day. Besides that, I'm going to lift weights each day. I have a set of five pounders in my room. I haven't been eating as much fruit as I normally do, and I intend to change that. I'm headed to Jones tomorrow to get some of their delicious oranges and hopefully some grapes as well...I already have two apples, and if I get more hungry tonight I'll have one, but I shouldn't, since I've already eaten too much tonight. :) Anyway, I know I've done this kind of overhaul before, but I need to stick to this one, so I'm hoping that more frequent blogging on my newly updated blog will help. Let me know what you think.

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